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Changing Landscape of the NHL
Changing Landscape of the NHL The changing face of the NHL is very prominent as the first regular season play begins for the 2005-2006 season. Big named players have left big named teams for the previously has-been doorstops of the NHL. It is...

Dieting where you do not need to starve yourself
I am somebody who has had an ongoing battle with my weight for most of my life. I have to be very careful what I eat as I seem to gain weight very easily. I have tried many diets, however I wanted to find a way of losing weight without having to...

From Bare Bones to Big Bucks-The Evolution of American Football
By the end of October, baseball fans pack up the party with the boys of summer, and prepare for the cold months ahead with a long list of hard-hitting heavyweights ready to take the field as the Sunday afternoon, Monday night, and holiday...

Important Aspects Of A Baseball Coach
Being a baseball coach can be very rewarding. It is a big responsibility, though. You are basically the 'leader' of your team, and how you act will directly affect how the assistant coaches and the players act. There are some tips you can...

Listen, Can You Hear the Crack of the Bat?
Listen Can You Hear the Crack of the Bat? The other day, as I watched my aughter take batting practice from her new batting coach, my eyes shifted to another batter that was being coached by another teacher. Her swings were slow, the ball was...

How to become the million dollar athlete?

This program is designed to increase the speed, vertical, and flexibility of any athlete using these techniques. The skills developed from this program will increase the participants chances of being successful

at their particular sport. Sports such as basketball, baseball, football, soccer, tennis, track & field, and volleyball benefit immensely.

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