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Cheaters -

What Else Is New?
Baseball has seen it's fair share of cheaters. And let me define what I think defines a cheater. Simple: someone that breaks the rules.
The list of cheaters in baseball has been legendary. As long as the game has been around there have been cheaters. Throughout baseball history there have been many, spitballing, Emory board using, salve applying, sandpapering, file mashing, greenie popping, cork stuffing, baseball betting, and steroid using ballplayers. I'm sure I have left something out.
As much as I would love to see The Game being played in its purest fashion of a level playing field the chances are slim to none of that happening. As long as ballplayers play the game there will always be people looking for the upper hand. It's about getting the edge on your opponent or creating the edge for yourself.
It’s rampant today. The stakes are high, for the professionals and the kids that watch them. Oh give me that edge. I can hear a kid thinking to himself. I can see the pressure some of these kids might be under when their friends are taking some enhancer to bulk up or speed up to strength up. What is a kid t do?
Winning at any cost is what it seems to be about. If the stakes are so high, like millions of dollars, or making the team athletes will continue to use the unusables. Athletes think they need that edge. Many a

player will cross the line. And go for the gold no matter what the cost.
So what if the next generation to do as they watch today's players?.
My guess is that they will emulate those that hit the farthest and run the fastest and throw the hardest. Unfortunately there will be a cost.
Hopefully no one else will lose their life from steroid use.

Ballplayers have looked for the edge for a long time. They will continue to look for the competitive edge. Hopefully the athletes will learn that by putting time in at the gym will be better than putting injections into the arm, leg or butt.

Unless the penalty is so severe.

Aron Wallad
Founder Baseball’s Pride and Joy

PS: So is the edge needed to be great so different in the business world? Is the upper hand wanting to be achieved so different in other sports? I am not in any way condoning cheating. I am citing that cheating happens in many other areas as well as baseball.

About the Author

Aron Wallad has been a baseball lover for over 45 years. His passions have included; playing, watching, reading, evaluating, and coaching the game he adores. Do you love inspiring quotes, unusual statistics and most of all, heartwarming baseball stories? If you love baseball you will love his baseball ezine.

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