Palmeiro on the Juice
Rafael Palmeiro and the secret behind his suspension.
Finally, the secret behind Rafael Palmeiro's suspension can be revealed. Yes, he was on the juice. The Juicy Juice, to be exact.
As an avid baseball fan, I wondered what could be the problem with Palmeiro, why would he screw up his career by allegedly doing illegal steroids.
I was sure that eventually the truth would come out, but little did I know it would be me who discovered it.
I awoke one night by this terrible crash coming from my closet.
When I went in, I saw that all my card cases were turned over and in disarray, and noticed all my Palmeiro cards were gone.
Shocked and upset, I decided to go get myself a snack, maybe something like a pierogi or a grilled cheese
It was at that point when I went into the kitchen that I saw the refrigerator door was open, and what did I see but my Palmeiro cards on the juice.
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About The Author
Tracy Robinson is a copywriter and currently has a lot of irons on the fire. If interested in copywriting for wacky promotions, feel free to email ideas to His main website is