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Informative Articles

A Review of Popular Baseball Bats
Choosing the right baseball bat is as important as batting technique or selecting the right pitch to blast over the center field fence. There are many different kinds of bats designed for Little Leagues, Senior Leagues, college, and pros. Each...

Is Technology Robbing our Kids of Good Health?
Is Technology Robbing our Kids of Good Health? Today's kids are technologically smarter than we were at their age, but in some homes technology seems to have taken control of our children's lives. Many parents don't realize the underlying effect...

Listen - The Crack Of The Bat
The other day, as I watched my daughter take batting practice from her new batting coach, my eyes shifted to another batter that was being coached by another teacher. Her swings were slow, the ball was glancing off her bat and trickling into the...

Outdoor Batting Cages
Batting cages are a crucial ingredient in any baseball or softball training regimen. They are used both by batting coaches and by recreational athletes to help improve a batter's speed and accuracy in hitting a ball. Outdoor batting cages are a...

What Baseball Could Learn From a Former Skinny Kid!
The baseball season is here and the game’s greatest players are in the news. They have hit the headlines not for their prowess on the field, but for alleged steroid abuse in the locker room. Baseball’s greatest stars could have taken a body building...

Palmeiro on the Juice

Rafael Palmeiro and the secret behind his suspension.

Finally, the secret behind Rafael Palmeiro's suspension can be revealed. Yes, he was on the juice. The Juicy Juice, to be exact.

As an avid baseball fan, I wondered what could be the problem with Palmeiro, why would he screw up his career by allegedly doing illegal steroids.

I was sure that eventually the truth would come out, but little did I know it would be me who discovered it.

I awoke one night by this terrible crash coming from my closet.

When I went in, I saw that all my card cases were turned over and in disarray, and noticed all my Palmeiro cards were gone.

Shocked and upset, I decided to go get myself a snack, maybe something like a pierogi or a grilled cheese


It was at that point when I went into the kitchen that I saw the refrigerator door was open, and what did I see but my Palmeiro cards on the juice.

For pictures as proof, please go to:

About The Author

Tracy Robinson is a copywriter and currently has a lot of irons on the fire. If interested in copywriting for wacky promotions, feel free to email ideas to His main website is